<aside> 🕊️ Welcome to Paloma! We're here to help you sell through direct sales conversations, at scale, on Facebook and Instagram messaging channels. Follow these steps to launch your messaging storefront.


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Table of contents –

This is a complete, end-to-end guide for setting up your messaging channels for sales. If you have a specific use case in mind, you can visit the specific guides for them here:

Ads that Click-to-Messenger →

Instagram Stories that Open DMs →

URLs that Link to Messenger →

🛠 Setup

1. Create your first shopping experience

We're going to start by creating a sales conversation to help your customers shop.

This conversation is a great way to either help your customers decide what to buy, or help them decide why to buy (or, both!)

To start building, select which of the below applies to your brand:

2. Help customers get to your sales conversation

Now that you have a sales conversation, let's help customers get to it!

2.a – Set up an Organic Response for Messenger

In your Paloma dashboard you'll find our recommended template of this that can be fully edited to make the most sense for your business

Click below to set this up 👇